Your habits and how they create S.M.A.
First of all, WHAT IS S.M.A.? S.M.A. stands for - Sensor Motor Amnesia and it is when the brain and body "forget" how to full work together due to either a trauma (physical or psychological) or from continual habitual use.
An example of a trauma is - you are in a car accident and hit from the left side. Your neck will be whipped to the right and then the left from impact. The brain knows that it must stop the force of the whip in order to protect the spinal cord, so in a microsecond the brain will send signals to the neck muscles to tighten and protect the neck. This is a trauma response aka whiplash. You will then, if not treated, will go for days, then weeks, even years with neck pain that can lead to disc issues or more. WHY? Because you did not retrain the brain to LET GO of the trauma response created by the accident. The trauma caused a LEARNED pattern in the brain that must be retrained.
An Example of habitual use - you work at a computer 6-9 hours a day. You try and make your space as ergonomic as possible but you find hours passing before you get up and move around. When you are typing your arms are resting at about 90 degrees, your shoulders are slightly rounded because you are working in front of you, oh and also your computer is sliiiiiiightly to the right so you can make room for a second monitor for certain projects. SO for 6-9 hours you are training your rotator cuff muscles and chest muscles to engage slightly, your neck is craning forward a bit (more as the day progresses and eye strain takes effect) and the muscles of the right side of the neck (and LEFT particularly the SCM) are engaged to turn right. You are teaching your brain this is normal. Your body is smart and effecient so if you need to sit like this 8 hours a day it will keep you like that even when not working! Hence the posture below. Which leads to - Migraines, rotator cuff tears, upper mid back pain, numbing and tingling in the hands and a plethora of other issues. AGAIN you must reteach the body to let go of these habits or the body will slowly wear its self down and creat functional dysfunction and pain.
That is where Somatics comes in. Book an appointment for a Somatic Movement Session with me and find out! I will show you the movements that you need to retrain your brain out of pain and into full function again!